Where to buy PronPack

PronPack 1-4 is available in two formats, eBook and Paperback with additional resources including; audio files, student worksheets and PronPack Posters online :

eBook – Portable and personal, the fixed-layout ePubs feature integrated audio files to support the clear easy-to-follow pronunciation activities in each book. PronPack 1-4 eBooks are available on Kobo and  iBooks.

Paperback – Want to browse through a book? Need copies for your school staffroom or resource centre? Get your hands on printed copies of PronPack 1-4 from BEBC bookshop, Amazon , Wordery, Bookery (Australia), the  SBS in Brazil, englishbooks in the Czech Republic or DES (Greece/Cyprus).

“…Hancock’s approach is strikingly innovative. For many years I’ve thought that an ELT classroom without a pron chart on the wall is naked. A pron chart or the pron chart? Well, Hancock has reconceptualised our pron chart brilliantly…”

— Brian Brennan, Modern English Teacher, 27 (1), January, 2018

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